Insightful offers you different perspectives to analyze your business.
Light Scan
Level Up
Full Scan
Expert Plus
Light Scan
If you want a clear view on the building blocks for your successful results, then this is the ideal start!
Full Scan
Do you want to know where your priorities lie and how to get started with them in the context of a sustainable change? Then this is the ideal scan!
Level up
This scan gives your business the foundation for sustainable optimization in the long term.
Expert Plus
The Insightful Expert Plus is a journey that guides your organization through the transformation you desire. Given that every organization has different ambitions, we are happy to work out a customized offer for this.

Light Scan
If you want a clear view of the building blocks for your successful results, this is the ideal start.
This Insightful Light Scan provides you with a clear picture of the information available regarding the challenges your team or organization faces.
If you want a clear view on the building blocks for your successful results, then this is the ideal start!
After an exploratory meeting, a visit to your company and 2 in-depth interviews, you will receive a high-level analysis report, with a clear indication of the information that can be further deepened and at least 3 quick wins that you can start working with immediately.
From there you can act based on a concrete action plan to clarify the blind spots. If you want support for this, then you can join the Insightful Full Scan.
Full Scan
Do you want to know where your priorities lie and how to get started with them in the context of sustainable change? Then this is the ideal scan!
The Insightful Full Scan includes the Light Scan and on top of that gives you a detailed overview of where things are going well and where they could be better in your company. An efficiency score is linked to this scan so you can effectively measure and monitor the success of your team.
The results are thus not only mapped but also evaluated. Inevitably, during this Full Scan, suggestions for improvement will emerge. These are taken into account immediately, so that at the end of the full scan you can get started right away.
Do you want to know where your priorities lie and how to get started with them in the context of a sustainable change? Then this is the ideal scan!
After the Insightful Light Scan, 2 workshops with your staff and a work session to set priorities, you will receive a detailed analysis report, with a clear indication of priorities and an action plan!
If you would like guidance in implementing your action plan, then you can sign up for the Insightful Level Up Path.

Level up
With this formula, the foundations are laid for sustainable optimizations.
The Insightful Level Up Path starts with an Insightful Full scan.
You will receive a detailed analysis of your team, department or organization, with a prioritized action plan.
Subsequently your employees will be trained and coached to use this result to start concrete improvement projects.
The methodology for starting a project is translated into your corporate culture and the tools are provided to follow this up with your own people. The goal is to perform a new Full Scan after some time, with your company having a higher efficiency score and better results!
This process lays the foundation for sustainable optimization in the long term.
Expert Plus
The Insightful Expert Plus package guides your organization through the transformation you desire. Given that every organization has different ambitions, we are happy to work out a customized offer.
The Insightful Expert Plus Pathway guides your organization through the transformation you desire. Given that every organization has different ambitions, we are happy to work out a customized offer for this.

Ingeborg is een heel aangenaam persoon om mee samen te werken : steeds bereid om in dialoog programma’s uit te werken specifiek op maat van de deelnemers of klant.
Ingeborg is for many years a highly appreciated partner on our journey towards quality, especially in the public sector. As a lecturer, she shares her insights with enthusiasm and motivates organisations to apply innovative approaches.
As a consultant, she enables people to find qualitative solutions themselves and to create opportunities for the future.
Let’s get to know eachother
Insightful helps you to gain more insight.
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