
Insightful likes to share knowledge, experience and insights by delivering training courses. Our trainers are experienced in training for various audiences and sectors including food, education, non-profit, SME and government.

Some of our offerings include:


Customized courses

Insightful aims to make a difference by always tailoring its courses to each client on the one hand and by using innovative learning techniques on the other.

All training courses are interactive, tailored to the participants and can be given in Dutch or English.

Training courses can also be developed on the basis of your needs. For example, we have already given:

  • Budget Management for the non-profit sector,
  • RCA analysis,
  • Self-assessment with the CAF model
  • Business Process Management in combination with MS Visio
  • Intro to Quality Management
  • Customer Friendliness

Let’s get to know eachother

Insightful helps you to gain more insight.

Would you like to stay informed about the workshops we organize?

Or do you have a specific question? Fill in the form below and we will keep you informed!


+32 (0) 476 06 11 05



Ingeborg is een heel aangenaam persoon om mee samen te werken : steeds bereid om in dialoog programma’s uit te werken specifiek op maat van de deelnemers of klant.
Marleen Van Lierde

Opleidingscoördinator, Syntra Midden Vlaanderen

Ingeborg is for many years a highly appreciated partner on our journey towards quality, especially in the public sector. As a lecturer, she shares her insights with enthusiasm and motivates organisations to apply innovative approaches.

As a consultant, she enables people to find qualitative solutions themselves and to create opportunities for the future.

Patrick Staes

Head of the CAF Resource Center EIPA